Anderson Ranch Arts Center Workshop Catalogs 2010-2014 | Page 26

Casey Reas, Chronograph Variations (detail) Jill Enfield, Gramercy Brownstones (detail) Allen Birnbach, Untitled (detail) August 6 - 10 August 6 - 10 August 13 - 17 Studio Mashup: photography, video & processing Digital Negatives & Platinum Palladium Prints  Casey Reas & Andrea Wallace Jill Enfield Skill Level: III & IV, expertise in either photography/video or programming required, but not necessarily in both Skill Level:  II, working knowledge of Photoshop required Concept:  Interested in combining the creative potential of new photographic and software technologies? This workshop considers how modern software is used by artists to reproduce traditional tools, manipulate photographs and splice together video. Come see what happens when we combine photography with emerging ideas within creative coding to explore the potential of a hybrid image/software space. Use the Processing programming language to explore techniques such as altering images pixel by pixel and slitscanning, working with live camera feeds and scripting languages for altering images. Media & Techniques:  Digital photography, video, Processing programming language Activities: Instructors provide support in writing code and image capture through a series of tutorials. Students devote studio time to creating individual or collaborative projects. Concept:  Platinum and palladium prints are considered the crème de la crème of photography. Learn to craft digital negatives with stunning tonality to create prints with deep blacks, seductive highlights, and lush mid-tones. We make different types of digital negatives, from traditional transparencies to the use of matte medium and packing tape. Students create a collection of beautiful images and develop enthusiasm about the medium. Media & Techniques: We use a variety of fine watercolor papers and vellums for platinum/ palladium printing, covering variables such as coating of the paper, developers, clearing and post-treatment of the print. For our digital negatives, we use Epson printers with premiumgrade transparency films. Activities: Class time is divided between the digital lab and the classic wet darkroom. We also take two field trips where the instructor demonstrates shooting techniques. Faculty: Casey Reas is an internationally recognized artist and educator. He has exhibited his work at institutions including Laboral (Gijon, Spain), the Cooper-Hewitt Museum and the National Museum for Art, Architecture and Design (Oslo, Norway). He is the co-founder of He is a Professor in the Department of Design Media Arts at UCLA.   Andrea Wallace is the Artistic Director of Photography & Digital Media at Anderson Ranch. Faculty:  Jill Enfield is a fine art, editorial and commercial photographer. Ji XX