Anderson Ranch Arts Center Workshop Catalogs 2010-2014 | Page 15

Ayumi Horie, Lovebirds John Gill, Untitled July 30 - August 10 August 6 - 17 Ayumi Horie John Gill  guest artist Andrea Gill Skill Level: II - IV Skill Level:  Open to all Concept: Why is it that humans are so drawn to animal imagery? What is the intersection between that emotional connection and the desire to use pottery? This workshop concentrates on drawing animals in earthenware to explore what makes drawings on pots so inviting and compelling. We gather inspiration from viewing slides of animal imagery throughout history and forward to the present. Come with a desire to play and experiment! Concept:  Elevate the quality and content of ceramic work with two experienced and generous teachers. The focus of these two intensive weeks is on handbuilding to make vessels and pots. “I try to utilize simple techniques. This allows for freedom of ideas and process,” says John, who shares his distinctive approach to building and glazing. Students generate vessels from soft clay slabs through darting and paper patterns. Andrea adds her expertise to surface patterning and layering o