Anderson Ranch Arts Center Workshop Catalogs 2000-2009 | Page 17

Olive Ayhens    Tuition: $995  Studio Fee: $50 Code: D1223  Enrollment Limit 9 Olive Ayhens, Bristlecones on the Balcony (detail) CONCEPT:  Landscape is phenomenal — it’s our earth, our planet. This workshop will approach landscape painting in a contemporary sense, including studying its history. Our quest is to make landscape painting relevant, to add something fresh from our times. We’ll observe Colorado’s unique natural terrain — the Rocky Mountains, aspen trees, fast moving streams, wildflowers, etc. We’ll work with sketches for source material and isolate areas that affect individuals emotionally and inspire them visually. The aim is to push oneself beyond familiar boundaries and make new discoveries that enrich and broaden the work. MEDIA & TECHNIQUES: Oil or acrylics. Experimentation with application — using thin and thick pigment, varying brush strokes, blending, transparency, fat over lean, etc. ACTIVITIES:  We’ll seek source material and paint on- site. Critiques and group discussions. Studio time for more involved pieces. PREREQUISITES:  Anyone eager to get seriously involved in painting projects. Some drawing experience will be helpful. FACULTY: Olive A Z[