Analytics Magazine Analytics Magazine, November/December 2014 | Page 61

two or three years with the firm, analysts are encouraged to further their education or careers in industry and consulting. Because of the training and experience they received at AOE, the first few graduating classes of analysts have found opportunities in companies including Google, Facebook, Rue La La and Whole Foods, and have been accepted in graduate programs in operations research at U.C. Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon, MIT and NYU. Dimitris Bertsimas, program director MIT’s Operations Research Center (ORC), said, “We have admitted two AOE analysts this year to the ORC’s Ph.D. program. Given their strong academic credentials and practical modeling experience, we expect them to thrive in our program.” Within the last year, AOE has also created its own internal incubation laboratory to encourage its people to invest in more broadly commercializing the company’s two decades’ worth of existing intellectual property. Using internal resources, consultants with entrepreneurial drive can build commercial models and tools that leverage the firm’s existing IP and receive additional compensation if the concept is a commercial success. The lab benefits consultants by providing an additional outlet for their intellectual curiosity – with the potential a na l y t i c s upside of additional income – while maintaining the security, stability and intellectual challenge of its core business. Future As it celebrates its 20th anniversary, AOE continues to thrive while applying the most sophisticated analytic techniques to help businesses improve both their top and bottom lines. In the era of big data, its consultants produce analyses that move far beyond the techniques on which operations research was grounded. Customers have always sought costcutting techniques, but they increasingly seek analytic solutions to aid decisionmaking. Consultants at AOE combine business knowledge, communication skills and unparalleled technical leadership to quickly deliver tools clients need to succeed in the 21st century. ❙ Mitchell Burman founded Analytics Operations Engineering in 1994 and serves as its president, providing the strategic direction of the company. He received a Ph.D. and a master’s degree in operations from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Lauren Berk is an analyst at AOE and holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Yale University. Both are members of INFORMS. Help Promote Analytics Magazine It’s fast and it’s easy! Visit: n o v e m b e r / d e c e m b e r 2 014 | 61