An Essential Guide to Academy Conversion Spring 2017 | Page 24

This resource has been brought to you by The Key in partnership with NASBM and NAHT , and with support from Forbes .

The Key provides high-quality , trusted information and online solutions to the education and wider public sector . Its market-leading information services , professional development and online platform solutions help busy professionals work with increased confidence , knowledge and capacity . www . thekeysupport . com
NASBM is an apolitical trade association , committed to providing government with a balanced stakeholder perspective , and representing the broad interests of all of its members , who are school business management practitioners . In recent years , the association has been instrumental in the development of a nationally recognised competency framework for those working in school business management . www . nasbm . co . uk
NAHT is an independent trade union and professional association representing members in England , Wales and Northern Ireland . Members hold leadership positions in early years ; primary ; special and secondary schools ; independent schools ; sixth form and FE colleges ; outdoor education centres ; pupil referral units , social services establishments and other educational settings . www . naht . org . uk
Forbes is a law firm based in the north of England and a national force in the education sector . Its education group is made up of specialist lawyers and other professionals who have extensive experience in dealing with all forms of the law and can provide practical support on issues affecting educational establishments . www . forbessolicitors . co . uk