American Valor Quarterly Issue 5 - Winter 2008/09 | Page 19

I remember a young soldier, not much more than a boy, with me in that first camp. He received a letter from his family at home. My folks and I were never able to communicate, as they had been notified that I was killed in action. But this boy got a letter from his family, which had a long tradition of serving in the military; and they were quite proud of it. In that letter, they said to him, “We are disowning you from our family. We are so discouraged that you got captured.” With that said, the kid hung himself that night right there in the prison. know we were there, which was answered by two clicks back to let us know they were not Germans. It was pitch dark, but finally I got the chute collapsed and got my cricket out. I started clicking, and another guy started clicking off in the distance. I could hear him, but couldn’t see a thing. Finally we found our way to each other. Now I didn’t realize if you do anything that appears to be heroic, you automatically become a leader. We were circling around the swamp, going nowhere. Thinking back to my commando training, they said that if you saw trees growing in the water, you are not far from the edge of the swamp. The only Greg Henesy: All right, Jack. I understand that you had a chance light we had was when a plane blew up, it gave us light for about to meet Mr. Churchill in England. 30 seconds or so. When there was a flash of light and I was able to see a tree, I started toward the trees, making my way through Jack Womer: They called us together one day and said we are them until I ended up out on a road. going to put on a demonstration for Churchill, Eisenhower, and Maxwell We found a ball of wire out on the Taylor. I wasn’t looking forward to it. road, so I knew that a paratrooper had It was my seventh jump because I had been out there. So I went back into the just come into the paratroopers from swamp, where I found some other the 29th Rangers. I was training with the guys. One of them, a captain, said, “Oh, British commandos. So we went up in you’ve done fine! Take us out.” I took the air, and Taylor said to us, “Now us out to the road, where the ball of after you jump and hit the ground, wir