American Valor Quarterly Issue 4 - Autumn 2008 | Page 19

Counterinsurgency in Vietnam Lessons Learned, Ignored, Then Revived By Rufus Phillips Rufus Phillips, the author of Why Vietnam Matters: An Eyewitness Account of Lessons Not Learned recently published by the Naval Institute Press, spent the better part of the years 1954 to 1968 in carrying out counterinsurgency in Vietnam while trying to influence U.S. policies in Saigon and back in Washington. Successively, as an Army officer detailed to the CIA, a CIA Case Officer, USAID director of an on-the-ground, unconventional, economic and social rural development program in support of counterinsurgency, and as a consultant to the State Department, he was involved from the rice paddy level to the President’s National Security Council in implementing U.S. policies and programs while trying to make changes. His efforts brought him into contact with all the major players of that era: President Ngo Dinh Diem, his brother