American Studies | Page 60

"The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them in parliament.”-Vladimir Lenin

A Minority can be chained by having little to no voice.An example showing this was during the Women’s Suffrage, all women had their voices taken away just because they were women. But together fought to gain a voice and a right to vote.


Another weakness is Racism or Segregation. The most know type of segregation is in Montgomery, Alabama where colored in the back and White in the front. But by showed that they too had a voice by boycotting the system.

The Caste system is a type of weakness by classifying “classes or groups of people”. In this case the Minority is the Majority. Your'e asking why? Because the minority are the poor civilians but make up most of the country.

Minorities in a System

Humberto Sanchez

So in conclusion minorities can be shackled by classifcation, no representation, or racism but by fighting what is right they can instead gain a voice, make more equal, and unclassify groups. We also saw how minorities have gained or brought benefits. They brought a more diverse religion, more diverse food and brought in general diversity. But, since the beginning of time there have been classifications of people but, because some have broke out of their box they have gained a voice and became a success story of how a minority broke the chains of inequality, segregation, and no voice. So in the end, after the day is done, we have a choice, to prepare for tomorrows struggle or put it off until tomorrow and lose everything that is worth fighting for.But, if the minority is oppress, unite and rebel against the government, it is a right to change it. “No man is good enough to govern another man without the other's consent.”- Abraham Lincoln. But if there is no government who is to govern? A king , a dictator , or shall we live in a world with no government and live in chaos?