American Studies | Page 49

The BPP also allowedwhites to join and help if they supported the cause, but the FBI declared them a Communist organization, putting a stop to the programs.

In 1970’s the party reached their peak in members, but after this, it all went downhill. Fighting within the party for leadership led to expulsion and defection that decimated the membership. The Party’s support later declined due to reports of drug activates and extortion. By 1980 the Black Panther Party had just 27 members. The Black Panther Party, although being controversial, it is clear that they were a revolutionary civil rights group.

Work Cited:

"Black Panther Party". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2015. Web. 10 Feb. 2015

Baggins, Brian. History of the Black Panther Party. Marxists Internet Archive (, copyleft 2002. Web. 10 Feb. 2015

The Black Panther party sought out to set itself apart from African-American cultural nationalist organization. They did a variety of community social programs, such as the Free Breakfast for Children Programs and community health clinics. The BBP cooked and served food to poor children. This program became so popular that it feed over 10,000 children every day before they went to school. This was just one of their thirty-five “Survival Programs.” Other ones were clothing distribution, classes on politics and economics, First aid and self-defense, drug and alcohol rehab and blood tests.