American Studies | Page 36

“I feel most powerful when I’m on the golf course. There all troubles go away, and I’m FREE to think and say whatever. It’s freeing.” –SIERA FERGEN, age 16

“I personally feel powerful only on the computer. I think I live a double life; one socially awkward while being in school, and one who is popular on the computer.” –HUMBERTO SANCHEZ, age 17

“I feel powerful when I’m performing in front of a big crowd. I just get an exciting feeling and feel like I have all the power in the world. Also, I feel a lot of power when someone needs help on something and when I see them improve with that. It makes me feel good and powerful to see that I helped someone.” –ANTHONY RASMUSSEN, age 17

"I feel the most powerful when I am confident in what I am doing, and I mean that in a variety of ways. When I am teaching class, I feel most powerful when things are going well, and I seem to have everything under control. Now it doesn't mean that I necessarily know what is going to happen in the next 5 minutes because I know that I can go from feeling powerful to powerless in a matter of seconds." -ELIZABETH WANDERSCHEILD, age 34

When do you feel the most powerful?