American Studies | Page 28

Power to the woman

Oprah Winfrey is an important philanthropist who used her money from her early fame to build a school in Africa for women who she hopes will be Africa’s future leaders. For many years, she used her talk show, Oprah, to connect with others to discuss world events, bringing inspiration and positive spirit.

By Jasmin Rojas

Women have been disenfranchised for many years by not having the right to vote, to speak in church, or simply be set as slaves in their own home. Women have earned a voice and have become some of the strongest leaders in America. Here are some women who I think have overcome these limits for their success, and with their success have chosen to help others and become an inspiration and motivation to other women today.

Beyoncé is an American singer, songwriter, and actress. She is a woman who stands up for what she believes in and is strong in equality and respect. She gives back to her community by being a part of many charities, but the greatest collaboration she’s made is “Survivor Foundation," where she helps families get through natural disasters.

Demi Lovato is a twenty-two-year-old American singer and actress. She is very dedicated to her fans, and throughout her past, she has struggled with bipolar disorder, bullying, and bulimia. She’s brought motivation to teens to find a way out of any personal issues and not be ashamed of who you are and to love yourself, which she emphasizes through her music. Demi has been able to overcome struggles and now lives a successful life and career. “Stay Strong."