American Studies | Page 26

Steps for Leading

The Montgomerry Bus Boycott

4.Use Appropriate Act-ions

The use of nonviolence was a good way for the MIA to get its point across. This shows how serious the members were about integrated buses and that they should be taken seriously at all times

.5. Don’t Back Down!

The MIA didn’t back down at any given point even when its request for integrated buses was refused. The members continued to boycott the buses until desegregation was allowed on the buses on December 21, 1956. These Americans were the ones who didn’t give up during a tough time in history in order to help stop inequality and shape the future of America.

Imagine being discriminated for the color of your skin, religion, or gender. This can cause

people to come together to try and make a change. The Montgomery Bus Boycott has shown us how to make a successful change. The group that started this change was called the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA). The MIA changed America by taking a stand for themselves and fighting for what they believed in. Here is how they made a change. You can too.

Works Cited: Cravens, Don. Rosa Parks, center, one of the most famous figures from the civil rights

movement, helped spark the Montgomery Bus Boycott. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. <>.

Fayer, Steve. "Eyes on the Prize.", Inc., 1990. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. <>.

Molpus, Dick. "History Now." mshistorynow. Mississippi Historical Society, 2000. Web. 15 Feb. 2015. <>.

Staff, "Montgomery Bus Boycott." A+E Television Network, n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2015. <>.

1. Spread the Word!

As the MIA did during the Montgomery Bus Boycott, they would spread the word to not ride any of the public buses. They did so in ways such as announcements during church services.

2. Stick Together

The MIA stuck together when refusing to ride the buses. If anyone had rode the buses, the plan would have failed. They made sure to follow through with the plan and continue to boycott.

3. Have a Plan

The MIA had a plan to carry out the Montgomery Bus Boycott. The members would walk or car pool to their destination instead of riding the buses.

By Colleen McIntyre