American Liquid Waste - November 2013 | Page 8

BUSINESS CORNER P R O D U C T W AT C H TECH NEWS BE A SBOSSI ONOTWA BUDDY A S O C I AT N NE S IN THE NEWS SPOTLIGHT E IN O N I N S I D E BEST A S S O C I AT ILIFE, YOU HAVE R FRIENDS, CLOSE FRIENDS, ACQUAINTANCES, DRINKING BUDDIES AND WORK FRIENDS. THE LATTER IS USUALLY RELEGATED TO PEERS WHOM INDEX YOU WORK WITH, NOT BEING “BEST BUDS” WITH YOUR BOSS, OR IF YOU’RE A BOSS, BEING BUDDIES WITH YOUR EMPLOYEES. veryone wants to be well-liked. It’s human nature. As a boss, while that sentiment may still ring true, being well-liked isn’t always the easiest thing to achieve. Overcompensating by shifting the focus to being a buddy rather than a strong leader who is respected can have its disadvantages. in terms of who you’re surrounded by. In life, you choose your friends. And favoritism can go the other way, backfiring when it proves hard to leave business, especially bad business, at the door when you’re off the clock and it’s time to exist as friends, no longer as boss-employee. All Relationships Are Not Created Equal Be Social…But Not Too Social Friendship has a very different color palette than that of the bossemployee relationship. Friends are equals. Bosses are at a higher pay grade than employees and are responsible for that employee’s growth and productivity. When employees and bosses are friends, it may be hard to distinguish the genuine nature behind someone’s motives in the work environment. Friends are friends because they connect on a personal and social level, not because they have ulterior motives or want to get ahead. Social work functions are inevitable. As a boss, you’ll either want to, or be required to, make an appearance. Along similar lines of not playing favorites with employees while in the office, a boss shouldn’t play favorites at social gatherings outside the office, either. At work events like Happy Hour, luncheons and other industry functions, a boss should be sure to mingle and socialize with all employees equally. Playing Favorites As a boss, it is possible to be a generous, caring person while still keeping the focus on work. Employees look to their bosses for guidance, expertise and motivation, much like players look to their coach or patients look to their therapist or doctor. Players and patients don’t even strive for deep meaningful friendships in those scenarios, they want a leader. When a boss is buddies with his employees, favoritism can result. That can take promoted employees from friend to the least liked person in the office. As with friends, a boss’ relationship with his or her employees is going to be different with everybody. In the work environment, the element of choice is somewhat eliminated 8 A MERICAN LIQUID WASTE NOVE M BE R 2013 Lead the Charge V i si t U s Fol l o w Us