AmCham Macedonia Fall 2018 (Issue 59) | Page 15

COVER STORY Fall 2018 / Issue 59 What are the key components and features of the modern mine? Constant water and air control Rehabilitation of the site at mine closure to forest and pasture Tailings embank- ment design resistant to earthquakes Maximum recycling of process water A commitment to use an appropriate geo-textile mem- brane (liner) for the tailings dam Dust control on all roads to ensure there is no dust pollution Zero discharge from the mine infrastructure in to local water Independent ways monitoring to ensure we deliver on these Improvement of the water supply to households in Ilovica and Shtuka Social investment programmes Ilovica-Shtuka’s primary product is Copper and the main process of metal recovery is flotation, a physical process that will produce a copper concentrate that will be trans- ported to a smelter in Bulgaria. These are the five main features that our modern mine will comprise: The mining area or Open Pit: This is much like a quarry for limestone or aggregate and is where the rock is extracted. The Open Pit is located on the opposite side of the hill to Ilovica and Shtuka villages and will not be visible. Extraction is carried out by fragmenting the rock in place using highly controlled explosions once a day. The explo- sions will be barely audible in the nearest residency. Once fragmented the rock is loaded in to mining trucks using an excavator. The extracted rock is either ‘Ore’, which is min- eralised with copper and some gold or ‘Waste’ which has no economic value. The Ore is sent to a crusher at the side of the open pit and the Waste rock is used to build the shal- low sloped embankment for impounding the tailings. Dust is minimised by continual water spraying and ensuring the rock is kept in situ during fragmentation, which also assists the easy excavation and does not use excessive energy. The conveyor: This is an electrically powered belt con- veyor that will transport the crushed Ore just over a kilome- tre to the Processing Plant. The use of a conveyor is the most energy efficient system available to transport the Ore and minimises dust. It will not be visible from the villages of Ilovica and Shtuka. The Processing Plant: The crushed Ore is ground to a fine powder and mixed with water to produce a slurry. Frothing agents and collectors are added that stick to the copper minerals and these enhance the ‘hydrophobic’ properties of these copper minerals making them attach themselves to air bubbles. Air bubbles are passed through the slurry in a series of tanks or cells and a froth forms on top of the tanks. The froth is skimmed off the top of the tanks and collected. The collected froth is filtered and forms a concentrate of copper bearing minerals that contains around 24% copper metal and some gold. The concen- trate is sent directly from the Processing Plant to a smelter in Bulgaria using regular road trucks. This process is called flotation and is used safely in many locations in the region and around the world. Water is recovered along with the reagents. The material left in the slurry once the copper bearing minerals have been extracted is called the Tailings and this comprises benign minerals. The tailings are thick- ened to a wet sand and deposited in the Tailings Manage- ment Facility. The Process Plant is hidden from view behind and above the Open Pit. The Tailings Management Facility: This comprises an embankment composed entirely of Waste rock which has no economic value. The embankment has a very shal- low slope which is very stable and fits in with the slopes of the natural landscape. These features ensure that it can withstand even an extremely large earthquake with no breaks so that the impounded material will stay in place. There will be an appropriate geotextile liner for the facility. The volume of wet sand retained by the embankment is less than many water dams in Macedonia. Over time the wet sand will dry and at closure can be vegetated as woodland and pasture and the slopes of the embankment reforested. The Shtuka River will be redirected around the Tailings Management Facility to make sure it flows as before and is not in contact with the tailings facility. The design of the facility also allows for extreme flood events with no spillage. Water that gathers on the tailings surface during operation will be used in the Process Plant. The facility is around two kilometres from the nearest houses and is partially hidden from view by a low-lying hill. Mine Infrastructure Area: This is a small area where trucks and excavators will be serviced and some offices and a car park are located. As part of our responsible operating, a 30 million euro fund has been set aside for the rehabilitation of the Project area including Re-vegetation to forest of the Tailings Facility Embank- ment; Re-vegetation to forest and pasture of the Tailings Facility surface. In addition, rehabilitation of all roads that the community / forestry company does not wish to use and removal and scrap recycling of all machinery and steel work. Levelling of the plant site- this could be used as a busi- ness park or re-vegetated according to the local commu- nity’s wishes. The pit will be allowed to fill to a lake. Any AmCham Macedonia Magazine 15