AMA Insider Summer 2018/ OVER 55 | Page 16


Dashboard Distractions

Why in-vehicle infotainment systems should be used with caution
Almost All new cArs now feature dashboard consoles that allow us to make calls , send texts , control music , navigate and more . They might make life easier , but giving drivers more ways to engage in non-driving activities — even hands-free — can impact their ability to safely operate a vehicle .
“ We can ’ t assume that technology , even hands-free technology , is risk-free . There ’ s a cost associated with it ,” says Dr . David Strayer , cognitive psychologist and director of the Center for the Prevention of Distracted Driving at the
By Bonnie stAring
University of Utah . Strayer recently led an AAA-funded study that looked at the visual and mental demands placed on drivers as they completed tasks using in-vehicle infotainment systems ( IVIS ).
The tasks , conducted in 30 different 2017 vehicles , included managing audio entertainment , placing calls , receiving and sending text messages , and navigating . Regardless of car or computer system , each activity had an impact on drivers ’ mental workload , taking their attention away from the road .
This “ inattentional blindness ” not only increased with IVIS use , but there was also a carryover period between performing a task and reacquiring full awareness of the road .
Drivers also found some vehicle systems more cumbersome to use than others . The worst offenders caused frustration and thus even greater distraction . Every system imposed at least a moderate — and in some cases up to a very high — demand on drivers ’ attention . None were low-demand .
Auto manufacturers appear to recognize that some tasks , even if performed hands-free , can ’ t be safely done while driving . “ A lot of times you ’ ll get a popup message saying , ‘ It ’ s not safe to use this feature while the vehicle is moving ’,” Strayer says . But in most cases you don ’ t have to be parked for the functionality to become available ; it works as soon as you come to a stoplight . If you send a message while waiting at an intersection , you ’ ll still be distracted when that light turns green .
So how can dashboard computers be used safely ? Car buyers should look at how a vehicle ’ s IVIS works while at the dealership , then spend some time gaining familiarity with it at home . And of course , only use the system before you leave or once you reach your destination . “ We can all avoid distractions behind the wheel just by making that decision ourselves ,” says Jeff Kasbrick , vice-president of government and stakeholder relations for AMA . “ Your safety and that of everyone else around you relies on it .”
With ever-flashier features appearing on the dashboards of new cars , Strayer hopes manufacturers will start to give greater thought to which infotainmentsystem functions should — rather than could — be usable when a car is moving . For now , it ’ s up to drivers to proceed with caution and use them wisely .
Need to Know
key takeaways from dr . strayer ’ s infotainmentsystem study
According to the study , an average of 40 seconds are needed to enter an address into a GPS . that ’ s a serious distraction ! so be sure to input coordinates before you hit the road .
Make use of an infotainment system and the “ carryover ” distraction can last up to 27 seconds . in that amount of time , driving at just 40 km / h , you ’ ll still cover the length of four football fields .
Inattentional blindness means you ’ re looking , but not seeing . there might be a pedestrian crossing the road within your field of vision , but a distracted brain may not process her presence .
AdriAn HAncu / istock
16 Summer 2018