AMA Insider Spring 2016 | Page 51

IDENTITY FRAUD: It’s Personal What you need to know to protect yourself from this sinister crime OPPOSITE: CHIP STUDIO/GETTY BY BONNIE STARING A UNIVERSITY STUDENT in Edmonton was apps to access data on our smartphones. in shock when the call came. On the other We share vital information with banks end of the line was a rep from a phone and government agencies. company. They were demanding she pay In doing so, details about our lives her outstanding bill. “What bill?” she said. are distributed to myriad files and dataThe one for $3,500, they replied. She was bases, enabling an increasingly sophisso floored by the amount that she hung ticated type of criminal. Identity-related up on the caller—she thought it was all a crimes, as Canada’s Department of Justice scam, intended to get her to pay money she refers to them, include the theft and trafdidn’t owe. ficking of personal information (a.k.a. But the company called back, threatidentity theft), as well as the actual use ening to involve a collection agency. of that information “to gain advantage, They provided her with the obtain property, disadvanThe Canadian details—more than 30 pages tage another person, avoid of charges. She was aghast arrest or defeat or obstruct Anti-Fraud after reading page after page Centre reveals the course of justice” (a.k.a. of unknown numbers. that mo