AMA Insider Fall 2016 | Page 51

A Field Guide to snowbirdinG
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Members get 10 % off Travel Medical Insurance amatravel . ca / travelinsurance
Pricey Procedures
the cost of common mishaps and ailments around the world *

Heart bypass , Australia : $ 53,000 mend a broken wing

Travel medical insurance is the single most important tool in a snowbird ’ s toolbox . “ Without it , you could be on the hook for a six-figure medical bill before you fly back home ,” says Pam Murray , aMa ’ s manager of travel medical insurance . follow these eight rules to ensure a happy and healthy journey . and learn more at amatravel . ca / travelinsurance
3-day hospital stay , U . S .: $ 38,000
RULE EvEryonE nEEds it If you ’ re leaving the country — or even the province — you should always purchase travel medical insurance . Out-of-country hospital and emergency services are not covered by your Alberta healthcare plan .


RULE Buy BEforE you lEavE You must purchase coverage before leaving the country . You will not be able to buy coverage during an emergency .


RULE GEt thE riGht plan Pick your plan based on duration and frequency of travel — if you ’ re going to one country , for up to 365 days , purchase a Single Trip plan . But if you ’ ll be taking a few trips spread over the year , a 30-Day Multi-Trip plan may offer the best rate . Contact an AMA Travel counsellor to discuss your needs .


RULE BE complEtEly honEst on mEdical quEstionnairEs Your insurance provider can access your medical history once you start a claim . If you don ’ t disclose conditions upfront and accurately , many insurance companies will void your policy and deny any claim — even if a procedure has nothing to do with the incorrect information . “ It ’ s always best to answer questions accurately . And if you ’ re unsure of an answer , consult your physician ,” Murray says .


RULE you can GEt covEraGE EvEn if you havE a prEExistinG mEdical condition
“ We do cover people with an existing condition , but we require a stability period ,” Murray says . For travellers 69 and under , that means your existing condition must be stable for three months prior to your departure date in order for you to be covered . For people 70 and over , the period increases to six months prior to departure date .




“ mEdical tourism ” will not BE covErEd Planned procedures , like elective surgeries and routine doctor checkups , won ’ t be covered . Only unforeseen emergency procedures are insured .
RULE advEnturE travEl may not BE covErEd Some policies exclude extreme sports like ziplining and bungee jumping . But most AMA policies do cover these adrenalinepumping activities . Always read the fine print of your policy before taking the leap .



8 call thE numBEr on your insurancE card In an emergency , present the card at the hospital . But you should also call the number on it immediately . The call will start the claims process , get you instant support from AMA and the best medical care in the area .

Fractured shoulder , Mexico : $ 25,000
Broken leg , Hawaii : $ 20,000
Air ambulance , B . C . to Alberta : $ 25,000 +
Appendectomy , France : $ 5,800
Tylenol tablet in hospital , U . S .: $ 48
* Costs are approximate averages and / or may be subject to regional fluctuations .
AMA InsIder fall 2016 51