Alternativi International Annual Report 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | Page 23

M oreover, all the intellectual outputs and project activities will be realised in a way that will allow the new trained youth workers and the partners organisations to produce a positive impact on medium/long terms by:  1. contributing to a better understanding of how Internet and social media can be used for preventing and combating online hate speech against migrants and refugees with targeted tools, responses, and best practices;  2. analysing hate speeches more rapidly and, specifically, better identifying and understanding anti-migrant and anti-refugee hatred online, also in order to prevent radicalisation leading to violent extremism;  3. proactively targeting the needs of different target stakeholder groups (in particular, youth organisations and NGO) and supporting them in the fight against racism and xenophobia;  4. improving, monitoring and reporting capabilities on hate speech online following the social media reporting rules of Council of Europe.  5. breaking down anti-migrant and anti-refugee stereotypes and reducing fear of crime and social distress.