ALTERNATIVE GOA LIFESTYLE GUIDE Alternative Goa Lifestyle Guide | Page 58


These are the various yogic postures or postions used in the practice of yoga. It is a static position and has to be firm yet comfortable. The seated postures like padmasana and sukhasana are the most basic of all asanas.


This is also called yoga breathing or controlled breathing..


This essentially is withdrawal of the senses and internalisation of the senses so that these do not reach the brain. The yoga practitioner is thus attuned to progress to the 6th stage of yoga that is dharana or concentration.

Dharana or Concentration

It involves the practice of attaining a single focus. Once the senses are withdrawn attaining dharana is easier. This allows for easier meditation which is the next limb or stage.

Dhyana or Meditation

In this stage as the senses are withdrawn and the mind has attained a single focus, the meditator is not concious of the fact that he/she is meditating. In fact, the meditator becomes one with the object of meditation.

Samadhi or State Of Superconciousness

It is a state of mental concentration or superconciousness wherein the meditator attains a state of blissful awareness of the existence of God in himsel

4. Jnana Yoga or The Yoga Of Knowledge or Wisdom

This form of yoga aims to garner perfect knowledge - that which is beyond what is seen in the world. That which is intangible - The Absolute Reality or The Truth.

The way to realise Absolute Reality is by the 4 means of salvation which are :

Viveka - Knowledge of distinction between the real or eternal and the unreal or temporal.

Vairagya - Detachment from everything that is temporary.

This comprises of 6 virtues, namely,

- Sama which is tranquility of the mind

- Dama which is control of the senses

- Uparati which is control of the sensual instincts

- Titiksha which is physical endurance

- Shraddha which is faith -

- Samadhana which is perfect Mumukshutva - Burning desire for liberation from temporal things like the cycle of births or deaths.

5. Karma Yoga or The Yoga of Action

It is the yoga of selfless action, a service without expectation of rewards or results. This leads the yogi to change his destiny.

6. Tantra Yoga or The Yoga Of Rituals

Tantra is a conglomeration of thoughts and practices channelised to form a ritual. A Guru's guidance may be needed in some forms of tantras.