Alma Emprendedora Alma Emprendedora Issue 003 2014 | Page 19

#3 Review and Optimize Just like brands, our careers are in constant change. We need to evolve to adapt for new opportunities, keep strengthening our brand, and set new and bigger goals. Marketing strategy is not done once and you are set. It's an on-going process. Just as marketing a product, in order to assess whats the best next step, we need to have a thorough understanding of who we are in a given moment. Knowing ourselves, staying focused on our goals and striving to be better are essential to knowing how to move forward. Tap into experts that can motivate you to be better and which you can learn from. First think about what you want to learn and then figure out the best person to inspire you. It could be a boss, a parent, a mentor, a colleague, a professor or a successful entrepreneur you can follow on Twitter, read his/her books or subscribe to his/her blog. It could also be a business consultant or career coach that breaks goals into smaller action items and provides you with focus and accountability. Ultimately, the goal is to make a living from mixing your skills, strengths and passions, thus creating a purposeful career that you feel happy to share with the world. Pónlo en Práctica Si aún necesitas ayuda poniéndolo en práctica, contacta a nuestra columnista y experta en la materia: Anllelic Lozada, M.S. Personal Branding & Career Coach ALMA EMPRENDERORA 20