All Modules O3-Formative Assessment Toddlers | Page 5

AREA OF DEVELOPMENT SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND SKILLS I II III I II III 1. Demonstrates he/she enjoys coming to school 2. Actively participates in daily activities 3. Is able to verbally express, his/her feelings and necessities 4. Demonstrates increasing independence 5. Is increasingly enthusiastic about spending time in the company of other children 6. Interacts well with known adults 7. Is beginning to demonstrate appropriate manners/etiquette, such as: greets, says “Thank you” and says “you’re welcome” 8. Maintains a pleasant relationship with peers 9. Begins learning the concept of taking turns 10. Seeks help from an adult when necessary 11. Turns down help from an adult when help it is not needed 12. Begins to makes choices for him/herself, for example: choose a center and materials 13. Offers to help out during activities 14. Shows altruistic empathy for others 15. Expresses sense of humor, for example: laughs at silly sounds, expressions and activities 16. Demonstrates increasing awareness of adult approval and disapproval 17. Demonstrates confidence when expressing self 18. Plays “Dressing up” in adult clothes 19. Makes a choice when asked 20. Helps put toys away 21. Settled in school routine with confidence