All Modules B6-Development Matters in the early years | Page 33

Playing and Exploring, Active Learning, and Creating and Thinking Critically support children’s learning across all areas 5 Literacy: Writing 30-50 months Positive Relationships: what adults could do 91. Sometimes gives meaning to marks as they draw and paint. • Notice and encourage the marks children make and the meanings that they give to them, such as when a child 92. • Ascribes meanings to marks that they see in different covers a whole piece of paper and says, “I’m writing”. places. • Support children in recognizing and writing their own names. WRITING PHASES: ROLE PLAY WRITING • Make books with children of activities they have been 93. Understands that writing and drawing are different doing, using photographs of them as illustrations. 94. Draws straight lines, curved lines and intersecting lines to denote letters. 95. Uses approximation to letters mixing known numbers and letters to written language 96. Assign a message to own symbols 97. Uses pretend writing when playing different roles like being the teacher, or being at the restaurant or being the doctor 98. Matches shapes and blocks to corresponding shapes 99. Copies name from cubby 100. Looks for print cues in the classroom 101. Place letters randomly in the page 102. Flips or reverses letters 103. Shows beginning awareness of directionality 104. Tries to write own name independently 105. Points to own words when reading 106. Reads text from memory 107. Tells adults what to write 108. Thinks own writing can be read by others 109. Experiments with upper and lower case letters 110. Repeats some known letters frequently 111. Listens attentively to the telling or reading of stories 112. Enjoys writing for self rather than an audience 113. Draw, shares drawing to clarify thinking and then role plays writing • Document and invite children to be more active in documenting the story of learning • Display manes, names of the week, calendar, weather chart, concept maps, alphabet and numbers • Have shelves labeled • Make available different types of print like magazines, newspapers, informational books, directories, menus, etc. • Encourage children to read the documentation and recall what was said to grow from there • Allow them to make selection of what to write • Respond to messages they wrote • Celebrate effort and focus on meaning rather than form • Have children dictate to you and read back what you wrote to confirm • Read just for FUN • Repeat reading books • Model own enjoyment for books • Involve children in talking about written texts, books • Ask children to: o Make p ɕ