All Modules B10-Planning Book | Page 5

5 5. Execute • Align them with developmental needs •Practice and implement •reffer to teachers curriculum gudance for clarification •TAKE NOTES for future plans 6. Document •Include children •Rreflect • COLLECT EVIDENCE •IMPLEMENTATION 7. Ongoing formative assessment to feedforward •use documentation •Portfolios & charts •Include children in the process •Collect Data and developmental evidence •Include parents 8. Keep open communication with parents •Read Module 4 •send home special projects •Invite parents to participate •Invite parents to share anecdotes from home •EXTENDING VESS CULTURE TO HOME •OBSERVATION & ASSESSMENT 9. Share and reflect with collegees •Professional attitude •Multiple perspectives •objetive •TEACHER AS RESEARCHER 10. Extend learning journey with New Units of Inquire •promote connections and associations with previous units •continue the learning journey •Continue checking for opportunities to rich the developmental standards in a holistic and real-life way. •DYNAMIC LEARNING PROCESS Enjoy the process and your own learning. You are and agent of change and with your actions you shape lives, you shape societies, you shape the future!