All Modules 9-All Dressed - Module 3 | Page 27

• Design the pattern • Select the colors Design on my silhouette • Ask that by couples, using a big piece of paper, they draw their silhouettes while each one lies down. • Then, each boy/girl can design his/her star dress using different materials and textures, and explaining why and what they designed their dress for. Activity to close the unit You can challenge them asking them to narrate about their design just like in a fashion show Or you can exhibit them in the hallway. • The design can also be done as a silhouette on the computer using one of the art applications that has different tools to give textures, etc. See videos on the shearing of the sheep, the production of silk, the cotton crop and how these materials are used to produce materials that we wear daily: • WOOL: This video that we share here with you is in English and shows clearl 䁡