All Modules 9-All Dressed - Module 3 | Page 12

12 • The first challenge is to be able to find a provocative experience that invites the students to share their previous knowledge about the topic, and to be able to make significant connections that generate real inquiries by the students. • Discuss the following questions with your team: ¿In what way is this topic relevant/ interesting/ significant for the children of the ages you work with? ¿How to introduce the topic, and what focus do we want to give it? Use the routine for thought: Chalk Talks, and invite the teachers to make comments about the topic ¿In what way is it interesting for me as a teacher? ¿What do I want my students to understand at the end of the topic about the concept we worked on? ¿How can I have evidence that my students understand? ¿In what way can I connect all the explorations and activities suggested, giving sense to the project looking for understanding over everything else? III. This topic is a great provocation for the following development dimensions: Learn about previous knowledge. Explore mathematical concepts: • Measurements Size Quantity Weight Classification • Cause - effect Reasons to get dressed