All Modules 77-Professional Development and Training Module | Page 8

• Level 3, Transcending teaching and learning L3.1 Assessment and evaluation in the 21st Century Conditions today, require students and teachers to take responsibility and ownership for learning and evaluating their own progress in the learning process. Participants will learn the differences between summative and formative assessment, its elements and implementation strategies so teachers can assist students in the development of metacognitive thinking about their own learning. L3.2 Emotional Intelligence As important as the IQ, the development of the EQ (Emotional Intelligence) is crucial for any individual. This training provides an introduction to the competencies for emotionally intelligent. Participants will learn to identify, use and understand the importance of knowing and managing self’s emotions as well as relationships in positive ways. The training will also give strategies for the teacher to infuse EQ learning in the classroom. L3.3 Differentiation By completing this training, participants will have learned what is differentiated instruction, effective strategies to infuse differentiated instruction and teaching by supporting the individual needs of each students and how every teacher can expand differentiation efforts in the classroom setting.