All Modules 77-Professional Development and Training Module | Page 7

L2.2 Habits of mind The training will focus on the definitions of habits of mind and the understanding of each of the VESS 17 Habits of Mind. The training will also provide teachers the strategies to develop and promote habits of mind in the classroom. L2.3 Thinking Dispositions Thinking Dispositions are crucial for the learner of the 21st Century. The course will help teachers to familiarize themselves with thinking disposition and how teachers can adapt classroom teaching strategies to engage students to foster them. L2.4 Concept-thinking organizers and maps Participants will learn how the use of thinking graphic organizers/maps can support higher-order thinking skills and how they can be combined with other educational tools and strategies to effectively organize and develop understanding, learning and thinking. L2.5 Planning and the implementation of the VESS program The training will focus on the application of the different elements of the VESS program in the planning and execution at the daily classroom. Participants will also learn how to incorporate all the elements of the program by using the planning chart and the VESS curriculum modules.