All Modules 76-Formative Assessment Threes | Page 7

AREA OF DEVELOPMENT MOTOR DEVELOPMENT AND SKILLS FINE MOTOR I 1. Uses index finger and thumb in order to maneuver/use small materials and objects 2. laces objects that have large perforations 3. Begins t “twist” and “un-twist” objects/materials, such as: paper and the tops of jars. 4. Fits shapes/figures in board 5. Is becoming familiar with the appropriate manner in which to handle scissors. 6.Tears paper in straight lines 7. Is beginning to cut paper free-hand 8.Turns pages in a book 9. Kneads or works play dough until smooth 10. Attempts to create simple figures with play dough, such as: a ball or a snake 11. Is beginning to grip pencils, crayons, and paintbrush appropriately 12. is using controlled movements in drawings II III