All Modules 76-Formative Assessment Threes | Page 6

21. Have an awareness of and show interest and enjoyment in cultural and religious differences. AREA OF DEVELOPMENT LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT AND SKILLS I 1. Follows 4-step directions/instructions 2. Understands concepts being discussed/taught in class 3. is able to follow and participate in classroom discussions 4. Communicates in short sentences, consisting of a minimum of 3 to 5 words. Is able to get his/her point across, in his/her native language. 5. Learns and uses new words in his/her vocabulary (in English and Spanish) 6. Uses correct/understandable pronunciation. Pronunciation is understood by others. 7. is able to form and respond to questions, such as: Who? What? Where? When? Why? 8. Is able to describe “actions “that are shown in photographs and/or illustrations 9. Is able to interpret what has been read/beginning reading comprehension. 10.Verbally expresses his/her ideas with logic 11. Is beginning to recognize his/her name in writing 12. Is beginning to recognize written name of some pears. 13. Uses tone of voice that is adequate for speaking in classroom environment. II III