All Modules 76-Formative Assessment Threes | Page 5

AREA OF DEVELOPMENT SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND SKILLS I 1. Demonstrates he/she enjoys coming to school. 2. Actively participates in daily and routine activities. 3. Verbally expresses his/her feeling and necessities 4. Is beginning to demonstrate self-confidence 5. Practices socializing skills with classmates 6. Interacts well with known adults. 7. Demonstrates appropriate manners/etiquette, such as: greets, says “Thank you”, and says “You’re welcome” 8. Maintains pleasant relationships with peers. 9. Is beginning to to resolve conflicts between classmates in a sociable manner, for example: child will try talking, negotiating, and/or seek the help of an adult. 10. Is learning concept of taking turns 11. Is learning concept of patiently waiting his/her turn 12. Seeks help from an adult when necessary 13. Turns down help from an adult when help is not needed. 14. Makes own decisions/choices for him/herself, for example: chooses a center. 15. Is developing independence in classroom, for example: obtains, utilizes and returns objects in classroom 16. Participates and demonstrates interest in music and movement activities. 17. Demonstrate flexibility and adapt their behavior to different events, social situations and charges in routine. 18. Show care concern for others for living things and the environment 19. Show confidence and the ability to stand up for own rights. 20. Have an awareness of the boundaries set and behavioral expectations. II III