All Modules 76-Formative Assesment Fours | Page 5

AREA OF DEVELOPMENT SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND SKILLS I 1. Demonstrates he/she enjoys coming to school 2. Actively participates in daily activities and routines 3. Is able to verbally express, his/her feelings and necessities 4. Demonstrates self-confidence and self-esteem 5. Socializes well with classmates 6. Interacts well with known adults 7. Demonstrate appropriate manners/etiquette, such as: greets, says “Thank you” and says “you’re welcome” 8. Maintains a pleasant relationship with peers 9. Resolves conflicts between classmates in a sociable manner, for example: Attempts talking out conflict, negotiating, and/or seek the help of an adult 10. Takes turns 11.Waits patiently for his/her turn 12. Seeks help from an adult when necessary 13. Turns down help from an adult when help it is not needed 14. Makes own decisions/choices for him/herself, for example; chooses a center and chooses materials. 15. Participates and demonstrates interest in music and movement activities. 16. Demonstrates independence in classroom, for example: obtains, utilizes, and returns objects in classroom 17. Makes choices for him/herself, for example: choose a center and materials 18. Demonstrates confidence when expressing self 19. Helps put toys away 20. Settled in school routine with confidence 21. Shows positive attitude about self II III