All Modules 69-Lines | Page 4

4 Lines as a means of Artistic expression LINES Main Topic: Getting to know and playing with lines Artist: Navajo Techniques: Line Collage, drawings, paint, prints, chalk QUEST focus: Aesthetic aspect Age: Art objectives (weekly) Efficiently and precisely coordinate their fine motor skills Week 2: Exercise and develop gross coordination according to their interests Week 3: Creating capability To build and express graphically Thematic objectives (weekly) Name lines around them. Recognize and reproduce the different lines in different spaces. Comments: A. Vivaldi Musical piece “The Four Seasons” Videos of animals with lines (zebras, tigers, snakes). Materials: Fabrics with different lines, thick and thin. Strings of different thicknesses. Chalk in different diameters Strategies Activity routines in groups Experience to develop” Painting lines “ 1.- Visualize different types of lines such as straight ones, slanted, curved, zigzagged, broken, flat, coarse, moving, etc. 2.- Graph the types of lines with different materials – paint, chalk, markers, wool and crayons. 3.-Watch paintings of different artists and ask: Describe the lines and Methodology and description (per week) The boys and girls learn to: Know and graph different types of lines they have around them. Discover lines they find around them. Observe art work from different artists. The activities will be carried out in groups.