All Modules 57-Sweden | Page 8

8 5. Comparing with the world Visit the country you worked on previously once again. Take advantage of the opportunity to reflect on different topics. Share with your students the similarities, differences, questions, etc. Present the tool for thought and the objectives. General resume: Tips: 1. Include “And so what with this” “What makes you say that”, and “Keys for Thought” in all your activities and during the whole day 2. Identify your “passive” students and work with them in a different way 3. Involve the parents, children, and other professors in the learning process 4. Invite them to share their thoughts, ideas, suggestions, and other things 5. Raise your expectation bar to the highest! 6. Create meaningful experiences and recognize the opportunities for learning that happen in a spontaneous way 7. Participate in all their projects, not only as the teacher but as an “additional” participant 8. Share and document your ideas 9. Answer with surprise and fun 10. Ask questions in a way that expresses “interest” more than just an “assessment” 11. Have fun! Topic/Country/Artist Literature: Activity Writers Creating a Story How has writing changed Famous Stories Tool for Thought Imagination Game: Theater Comparing Genders Venn Diagram and keys for thought Nobel Prize in the Room Sweden Bar graph and keys for thought Individual (new routine) Plan, do, review, and keys for thought Beginning/Middle/End and keys for thought Elaboration game and keys for thought Circular square and keys for thought Objects from and Unknown Place Getting to know Sweden Keys for Thought and creative questions Color, symbol, image