All Modules 54-I am Unique - Module 3 | Page 5

5 • What connect me with others? Change: • Am I changing? • How? • How was I before? • How am I now? • What could happen if I don´t take care of my health, if I eat this or that? • If I exercise, if I breathe fresh air? • What is the order and sequence of my changes? • How do others change? Responsibility: • In what way does what I do affect me? • In what way do I affect others or do they affect me? • What is my relationship with the world that surrounds me? Reflection: • How do I know that I am me? • How do I know how others affect me? • How do I know everything I know about myself and what surrounds me? Point of View: • What do I think, what do I like, and what don’t like? • What do I feel and why? • How do others think, what do they feel? • My is different to others, why? Causation: