All Modules 53-I am Unique - Module 2 | Page 15

15 • • when being fed Drink from a cup with help and later without help Moves pureed food to the back of mouth to swallow • • • HEALTH • • • Participates in basic health routines Shows anticipation to feeding with kicking, pointing, and reaching actions Demonstrates some kind of familiarity with health and safety routines • • • • • • visual attraction Sorting basic shapes (triangle, square, circle) Distinguishes between primary colors (yellow, blue, red) Sort objects by shape, color, and size Stringing beads onto a piece of yarn Demonstrates improved strength, control, and eye-hand coordination Picks up small objects with thumb and forefinger Empty and fills containers Scribbling using a variety of materials, such as crayons, chalk, and finger paints Holds book firmly in with two hands and turns pages SELF HELP • Demonstrates participation in • • • • • • • Use vision to guide and integrate their interactions Engages in activities that require hand-eye coordination Uses scissors appropriately, open and close to cut paper Throw and catch bean bags and balls Drawing and coloring using a variety of materials, such as pens, crayons, pencils, and markers Draws and forms recognizable shapes and images Able to crush, rip, tear, pinch paper to create a collage SELF HELP • • Actively participates in self-care Shows eagerness to do things independently, such as hand-