All Modules 51-From Raw Materials to Us - Module 3 | Page 7

7 - From raw materials to our technological world - The impact of past and present inventions - Inventions of the past and how they changed - Innovators around the world - Identify the need of inventing something new for now and for the future - How materials evolved? - What makes them evolved? Traditional VS VESS approach of the Theme From raw Materials to Us from a From raw Materials to Us from VESS perspective traditional perspective Innovation and invention are woven into the Talking about innovation and learning routine: Can you think of a better way inventions to do this? Can you apply what we’ve just learned about ancient Chinese and how they used the compass? (*see “Provocations to start” section of this Module) Can you identify a need of inventing something new? Students as explorers – Use of thinking tools Students as great listeners Form: Observe, identify, describe and categorize materials Function: What is this tool for? Purpose, role, behavior, pattern. How does it work? Change: How can you make this into something different? What could happen if…? How is it changing? What is the sequence? Connection: How is this related to other things? Where might I see or use it again? What is something new or different here? Reflection: How do you know? Why is