All Modules 48-Talking with Nature - Module 3 | Page 9

9 • • • • • • • • Understand the cause – effect relationships Understand how the world works with patterns and cycles Achieve associations between the month’s different themes, topic, country and artists The comprehension objectives for the different topics will be reinforced little by little throughout the year Understand the concept “alive vs. lifeless” Understand the concept “natural vs. made” Understand that animals, plants and humans are part of nature even though we are different Have a vision of the general concept of nature and learn about its parts V. • • • • • • • • • Other Objectives: Explore that they understand nature and its parts Compare / contrast Discover how elements are related to nature, connecting them with previous month’s topics. Use the senses Promote curiosity Creative writing and creative expression with multiple languages Develop all dimensions of development Describe things according to the elements that compose them Follow the conceptual map and explore the topic of nature from the different perspectives to better understand it and interiorize it Suggestions to strengthen the topic of nature with significant provocations: Provocations for initial stage and for the topic in general: • • Tool to foster thinking: Chalk Talk Do the “Chalk talk” thought routine so they can write everything that comes to their minds when they talk about nature.