All Modules 47-Talking with Nature - Module 2 | Page 24

24 Physical Development- Suggested Activities Infant suggested activities 1. Standard- Demonstrates beginning signs of balance, control, and coordination 2. Standard- Gain control of body - Pretend Play- Let’s Pretend to be Plants! Encourage infants to imitate plant movements at different stages. (Step Inside) 3. Standard- Cooing and vocalizing - Encourage infants to make nature sounds such as blowing like the wind, crashing like lightening, and rumble like thunder. Model and encourage discussion. What is it like? (TK Form, TK Connection, Thinking Routine- What Makes You Say That?) Toddler suggested activities 1. Standard- Gradually demonstrates improvement in balance, control, and coordination - Pretend Play- Let’s Pretend to be Plants! Encourage toddlers to pretend to be plants at different stages of growth such as seed and stem or kneel down and stretch as they grow. Model and encourage language. (Thinking RoutineBeginning/Middle/End, Thinking Routine- Step Inside) 2. Standard- Imitates hand motions of finger plays - Encourage toddlers to participate in finger plays and songs that involve hand motions such as “There was a seed in the middle of the ground”. 3. Standard- Distinguishes between primary colors (yellow, blue, red) 4. Standard- Scribbling using a variety of materials, such as crayons, chalk, and finger paints