All Modules 45-4 Fantastic Elements of Nature - Module 3 | Page 8

8 • With your team, discuss the following questions: o In what way is this topic relevant/interesting/significant for the children of the ages that I work with? o In what way is it interesting for me as a teacher? o What do I want my students to understand at the end of this topic about the concept we worked on? o How can I have evidence that my students understand? o In what way can I connect all the explorations and activities proposed having them give sense to the project and looking for comprehension above all else? III. Exploring the four FANTASTIC elements of nature: AIR, FIRE, WATER, and EARTH with a deep look to understand the states of matter This topic is one that can be explored during a long time, that allows a lot of flexibility, but if we don’t define clearly what we want the boys and girls to understand, it can easily turn into a producer of multiple fun activities but not necessarily will it foster balanced and wise citizens with a purpose. So let’s begin by asking: • What is the true value of this topic and why will it be important to turn it into a significant project for all? For us, the educators at Edu1st schools, this question represented an interesting challenge that we have revisited and enriched from the experience with the students, their interests and their answers. We were able to identify many reasons to explore it and we defined several comprehension objectives that guided us along the Project in each.