All Modules 44-4 Fantastic Elements of Nature - Module 2 | Page 18

18 encourages and enhances motor developmen Physical Development- Suggested Activities Infant suggested activities 1. Standard- Cooing and vocalizing - Encourage infants to say and name the four elements such as fire, air, water. Suggested props include nature photographs, nature sound cd’s, and nature videos. Model and encourage language. What is it like? How does it work? (TK Form, TK Function) - Encourage infants to imitate nature sounds. Such as “shhhhhhh” for water or rain and “hoooooo” for air and wind. Suggested props include nature photographs, nature sound cd’s, and nature videos. Encourage and model language. What is it like? What is its purpose or role? (TK Form, TK Function, Thinking RoutineStep Inside) 2. Standard- Demonstrates beginning signs of balance, control, and coordination 3. Standard- Gain control of body - Pretend Play- Let’s Be Rain! Invite infants to pretend to be the rain, by incorporating body movements at different stages. For example, how is the rain when it is soft? (Thinking Routine- Step Inside) - Pretend Play- Let’s Be the Ocean! Invite infants to pretend to be the ocean, by incorporating body movements at different stages. For example, how is the ocean when it is calm? (Thinking Routine- Step Inside)