All Modules 42-How Things Work - Module 3 | Page 20

20 Members of the Community … Using the “Network” map for thought and the function key, invite the children to explore how different helpers in the community work. • Don´t place limits on the network; according to the development of the conversation, the children can create different networks associated with previous ones (e.g. Community Workers – Fireman - Firemen functions – Places where firemen work) • Tool for thought: “Network” Map for thought, and keys for thought My Classmates and I Use this activity to reinforce the month´s value: Cooperation. Mention to your students how important friendship is. Use different examples both in and outside the classroom. Using the “Function” key, ask the children how they think “Friendship” works. Document their answers, and listen to them with genuine interest in their ideas. Compare different points of view, ask about their feelings, and ask why and what for. • Tool for Thought: What makes you say that/Keys for thought. Creating a Character … Using different material suggest to the children that they can create something novel and innovative!! Invite them to stand in the shoes of an “inventor”, “Engineer”, “Architect”, etc., depending on what they are going to create.