All Modules 42-How Things Work - Module 3 | Page 17

17 Electricity … Begin a Socratic dialogue with your children where everyone share their points of vie, ideas, feelings, questions, etc. Using the thought map “Network”, and the “Function” key for thought, have a brainstorm about all the things that work today with electricity, and their different functions comparing those with the past. Invite your students to express themselves in different ways. Foster creative writing and let them create their own network and connection lines. Introduce the “Here, Now vs. Before, There” thought routine to compare the advances of these devices. Feel free to take the children to other environments, such as a park, the library, or an area in the classroom different from the tables. • Tool for Thought: Thought Map “Network/Keys for thought/ Here, now vs. Before, there What happens if… Invite the children to classify different types of crayons used in the classroom. Give them the freedom so that they classify alone whether they do it by color, size, shape, etc. Share with your children the way a microwave functions and share anecdotes. Use the keys for thought to describe, make connections, listen to different opinions, and share about