All Modules 42-How Things Work - Module 3 | Page 14

14 How Clocks Work… Invite the children to explore different pictures of clocks (big, small, antique, modern, etc.). Invite them to compare and contrast the different clocks using the key for change. Use a large image of a clock and cover it with post its (sticky notes) to be able to carry out the routine for thought “Approach”. This routine invites the children to explore the different parts of the clock and understand the importance of each one of the parts. Afterwards the children ill be able to create different types of clocks using discarded materials. • Invite them to connect this activity with the month´s value: Cooperation and the importance of working in teams to be able to achieve an objective • Tool for thought: Approach/Keys for thought/Map for thought: Venn Diagram How do Telephones Work … Invite the children to observe different types of telephones. Use the keys for thought to enrich the conversation with your students. Take the opportunity to emphasize the key of the “Point of View”, model questions and compare. Name your student´s thought and make emphasis on how the conversation is enriched when we listen to other people´s opinions. Document the children´s questions and remind them that all along the month of the week they will be solving those questions. Using diverse materials, invite them to create their own telephones. Give