All Modules 41-How Things Work - Module 2 | Page 18

18 account; you reinforce that all points of view are valid and important and enrich the project or activity. Suggested Thought Routines: Red light; yellow light Peeling fruit Keys for thought (e.g. point of view) Interaction with the context Interaction with the context is the result of establishing the four previous areas. One way of creating a positive environment that promotes learning habits and processes is documentation that goes hand in hand with the “Physical Environment” cultural force, where the thoughts and processes of each student are visible. At the moment of documenting it is important to demonstrate the value we give to each one of the works; the aesthetics, and how these works are presented says a lot about them. It is important to pay attention to the details and to create a provocative context. The context we create in the room is a part of achieving a learning culture. Suggested Thought Routines: Creative comparisons Bridge 3-2-1 Keys for thought