All Modules 38-Literature - Module 2 | Page 9

9 • • • • Literacy • (Speaking, Reading, Writing) • • • taking and responses Plan time when you can sing with young babies, encouraging them to join in Stops and looks when hears own name Understanding of single words in context is developing Starts to understand contextual clues • • • Makes own • sounds in response when talked to by • familiar adults Practises and • gradually develops speech sounds Enjoys looking at books and printed material with interest Collect a range of board books, Encourage repetition, rhythm, and rhyme by using tone and intonation as you tell, recite or sign stories, poems and rhymes from books Identifies action words by pointing to the right picture Use pictures, books, real objects and signs alongside your words Frequently imitates words and sounds Build vocabulary by giving choices Provide stories with repetitive phrases and structures to read aloud to children to support specific vocabulary or language structures key events and phrases in rhymes and stories • Plan regular short periods when individuals listen to others such as describing something they have seen or done • Introduce alongside books, story props, such as pictures, puppets and objects to encourage children to retell stories and think how characters feel • Beginning to use more complex sentences to link thoughts • Plan to encourage correct use of language with repetitive stories • Introduce a storyline or narrative into their play • Provide stories, pictures and puppets which