All Modules 36-The Store - Module 3 | Page 23

23 food groups and create food pyramid. Numeracy: Counting money. 3’s,4’s&5’s Plan a variety of engaging activities Compare quantities. where students Introduce Mass and will be encourage Volume. to exchange products, use Social and singles so they can Money and count in an easiest exchanging goods. way) • Thinking Tools: I used to think/Now I think (How much I can carry) money (better Emotional: • Concept Maps: Bar Graph Cooperation: wait Claim/Support/ Question (What is the reason to wait patiently in the my turn in the Introduce mass Cashier line. and volume by giving students Language: Expand Ask them to try communication. how much they Dramatic Play can fit and carry responsibility in the cashier’s line?) shopping bags. new vocabulary, line? What is my in their bags. Beginning/Middle/End (To sequence events. I go to the store-I choose what I want – I purchase.) Encourage students to use new vocabulary to describe actions.