All Modules 35-The Store - Module 2 | Page 8

8 children can use their comfort objects. Communication and • Language Development Use a lively • voice, with ups and downs to help babies tune in. • Sing songs and rhymes during everyday routines. • Use repeated sounds, and words and phrases so babies can begin to recognise particular sounds. • • • Make eye contact and wait for them to react. • Provide resources that stimulate • babies’ interests such as shiny bell, a book or a mirror. others’ needs and feelings, and form positive relationships with adults and other children. Recognise young • children’s competence and appreciate their efforts when they show their understanding of new words and phrases. Wait and allow the child time to start the conversation. Follow the child’s lead to talk about what they are interested in. Plan play • activities and provide resources which encourage young children to engage in symbolic play. • Use pictures, books, real objects, and signs alongside your words. Help children to build their vocabulary by extending the range of their experiences. Young children create personal words as they • begin to develop language. Provide activities which help children to learn to distinguish differences in sounds, word patterns and rhythms. Foster children’s enjoyment of spoken and