All Modules 35-The Store - Module 2 | Page 7

7 Dimensions for Development and their Corresponding Areas Specific Area Infants Personal, Social and • Emotional Development • • 1 & 2's Babies gaze at • faces and copies facial movements. E.g. sticking out tongue, opening mouth and • widening eyes. Have one-to-one time to interact with young babies when they are in an alert and responsive state and willing to • engage. At times of transition make • sure staff greets and say goodbye to babies and the • teachers. This helps to develop secure and • trusting threeway relationships. • 3.4 & 5's Give your full • attention when young children look at you for a response. • Ensure there are opportunities for the child to play alongside others and play • cooperatively games with familiar adults. Explore new toys and environments. Demonstrate • sense of self as an individual. Model play pretend Model being a considerate and responsive partner in interactions. Provide time, space and materials for children to collaborate with one another in different ways. Children play cooperatively, taking turns with others. • They take account of one another’s ideas about how to organise their activity. • They show sensitivity to Share children’s pleasure when they do something for themselves. Ensure Support children in linking openly and confidently with others. that