All Modules 33-Light and Shadows - Module 3 | Page 8

8 What the theme is about Light and shadows have an aura of mystery that intrigues children whose minds are full of curiosity about the world around them. Hence, this monthly topic invites us to turn light and shadow science in our students’ experiences. Light, shadows and reflections are all around us: directly in front of us, under our feet, over our heads. By exploring this topic we want to make our students look at, and see what is right before their eyes. The desired outcome is to make our little learners look with their minds and imaginations and give meaning in their surroundings. Introducing our children to the concept of light may possibly seem like a daunting task since light is a very complex concept. However, us as teachers coming from the Culture of Thinking we are open-minded and we use our own creativity and imagination to incorporate lessons about light and shadows in a fascinating way that attracts children’s curiosity and unwrap their knowledge. Therefore, our task for this month is to make the complex concept of light meaningful to young children. Beginning with a demonstration of the many ways that we see light everywhere, the students will gain knowledge of natural and artificial light, reflection and refraction, and how light causes changes. The topic is highly connected with the previous topic “I am a Scientist” as a variety of science experiments can be implement in order to help students to explore light and shadows and discover new knowledge. Experiences involving light and shadows enable children to appreciate the awe and wonder of the world around them and offer a rich environment in which to develop their natural curiosity. Such opportunities allow both adults and children to engage in persistent shared thinking and to grow relationships where ideas, thoughts and joys are open for discussion. Consequently, exploring light and shadows creates magical experiences that we are all about to enjoy!