All Modules 33-Light and Shadows - Module 3 | Page 17

17 Significant Activities per Age-Range and their Corresponding Tools for Thought Age Range Activity Thinking Tool • Around 7 to 9 months babies have begun to discover shadows. Help them develop their visual tracking skills by showing them their own shadow as well as your shadow. • See/Think/Wonder • Use movement or hold up objects to demonstrate to the babies that as people move, so do their shadows. • Change Key • Infants Make shadow puppets with your hands • Connection Key • Explore different sources of lights (including natural and artificial lights) • Wheel of Wonder • Identify the colored light (yellow light, blue light, red light, green light etc) • Create a Concept Map (Web) and include each color they are pointing out. • Connection Key Age Range Toddlers and 2’s Activity • Learn the letter S by singing S is for • Shadow. Trace the letter and color it. Count to 6 by counting the letters of the words “shadow.” Develop their vocabulary using the words Thinking Tool X Routine Help them make observations of real shadows, making connections and descriptions. Use the Thinking Routine to